Elevated Movement Designed Just for You. 


Drawing upon 30+ years of movement instruction and intuitive work, I personalize every session to your individual needs.

You will leave your session feeling empowered, balanced, refreshed and body positive.

Pilates, Yoga, Private Sessions, Healing, Coachella Valley

Carefully curated movements ensure you get the most out of each session.

Our bodies change daily and require different things from one session to the next. Trained extensively in anatomy, alignment-based Yoga and Pilates along with years of fitness instruction, my program flow and sequencing provides healthy variations tailored to meet your specific needs.  Your session will include a variety of exercises including (but not limited to) Pilates, Yoga, strength training, breathwork and stretching. Added bonus: I incorporate my intuitive abilities and “x-ray vision” to help uncover energetic blocks or disconnects. Let’s deeply connect you with your body and get moving the way you want!

No matter where your body is today, I will meet you there.

As a healer, I work with men and women of all body types and specialize in helping clients strengthen and heal extra challenges. (Yes, that includes pre- and post-surgery and bionic parts!).

Using movement as medicine and incorporating energy work into my sessions is a powerful combination. Together we will access appropriate movements using intuition to know when/how to add safe progressions and listening when your body asks for a more restorative approach. The overall result will leave you feeling stronger and empowered in your strength and healing journey.

“ I have been working out with Tera for the last two years. She is one of the best instructors I think I have ever had and she knows what is ailing you.  I have had problems with my knee and my  right shoulder which leads into my right hip and we have come a long way in straightening me out.   I thought I was going to have a knee operation…now I don’t feel I have to have one because of Tera.  She is a wonderful young lady, she knows what she is doing.   I am 79 years old, I farm and have been lifting heavy things all my life and I think right now my body is in pretty good shape:  almost as good as it was when I was younger.   I would highly recommend Tera to anybody and I would recommend her anytime.”

- Gail D., Indian Wells